About Us

This is our great story

Our beginning

Our journey started in September 2020 with aliexpress. Initially it was called Amazon Store and later it was renamed as NordvPN Store. Since its inception, NordVPN has licensed us to sell their products, enabling us to continue our sales without any hassle. Over time, we have been able to attract a large number of customers and continue to provide our high quality services. Meanwhile, by January 2021, an issue with Aliexpress had begun to emerge

Our turning point

On 25/01/2020, they issued an official announcement banning the sale of digital goods on aliexpress.

The decision was mainly made by the aliexpress community due to the large number of fake account sales and threats posed to consumers by this time.

Cher Alivendeur,

Dans le cadre de l’engagement d’AliExpress pour garantir un environnement sûr aux acheteurs et aux vendeurs sur notre plateforme, nous appliquons les règlements sur les produits virtuels énumérés ci-dessous, veuillez les respecter attentivement afin d’éviter quelconque sanction.

La plupart des produits virtuels ne sont pas autorisés à être vendus sur AliExpress à moins que vous n’ayez obtenu une permission spéciale d’AliExpress pour les vendre dans la catégorie « Produit Virtuel ». Les produits virtuels comprennent (sans s’y limiter) : cartes-cadeaux, coupons, logiciels, jeux vidéo et autres services similaires. Étant donné que les produits virtuels sont dématérialisés et non traçables, il est très difficile pour la plateforme d’assurer la sécurité des transactions, ce qui entraîne beaucoup de litiges. Afin de maintenir une plateforme saine, nous n’autorisons que les partenaires locaux possédant les licences, et ayant passé avec succès notre examen, à vendre les produits virtuels sur AliExpress.

Nous avons remarqué que certains vendeurs non autorisés ont délibérément mis en ligne des produits dans la mauvaise catégorie, ce qui a causé de graves litiges et des problèmes de sécurité entre les vendeurs et les acheteurs. Si vous vendez accidentellement des produits virtuels sans autorisation, veuillez les supprimer immédiatement pour éviter toute sanction. Si vous continuez à vendre des produits virtuels à partir du 8 février 2021, vous perdrez 2 points ou serez sanctionné. Si vous continuez à les vendre après avoir reçu une sanction, votre compte sera bloqué et / ou définitivement éliminé. Merci beaucoup pour votre compréhension et votre coopération.

Si vous avez des questions, veuillez consulter les Règles d’AliExpress.


Le 25 janvier 2021

Dear Alivendeur,

As part of AliExpress’s commitment to ensure a safe environment for buyers and sellers on our platform, we apply the virtual product regulations listed below, please follow them carefully to avoid any penalties.

Most virtual products are not allowed to be sold on AliExpress unless you have obtained special permission from AliExpress to sell them under the “Virtual Product” category. Virtual products include (but are not limited to): gift cards, coupons, software, video games and other similar services. Since the virtual products are dematerialized and not traceable, it is very difficult for the platform to ensure the security of the transactions, which leads to a lot of litigation. In order to maintain a healthy platform, we only allow local partners who are licensed and have passed our exam to sell virtual products on AliExpress.

We have noticed that some unauthorized sellers have deliberately uploaded products to the wrong category, causing serious litigation and security issues between sellers and buyers. If you accidentally sell virtual products without authorization, please remove them immediately to avoid penalties. If you continue to sell virtual products from February 8, 2021, you will lose 2 points or be penalized. If you continue to sell them after receiving a sanction, your account will be blocked and / or permanently deleted. Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation.

If you have any questions, please see the AliExpress Rules .


January 25, 2021

This is the announcement we have received from Aliexpress(French language)

Closing the Aliexpress store

On 2021/09/29 our store was permanently closed by Ali express.


As soon as we received the message through ALIEXPRESS, we were ready to face it, because by that time a large number of customers in Europe, America and Asian countries had bought services from us. Also, since aftermarket is a mandatory component for these services, a solution was needed for this before the aliexpress store crashed.

Accordingly, in April 2021 we launched our latest website resellsoft.com

Under the first step, all the legal requirements for the sale of branded products such as NordVPNESETEASEUS and WINRAR have been completed.

We are lovingly reminded here of our dear customers who encouraged us and gave us important advices in the moment of the loss of the Aliexpress store.

Number Speaks

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What Our Happy Clients Have to Say

Resellsoft works great and the customer service is always there when you need them. I have contacted them on several occasions and they are very knowledgeable and diligent in resolving your problems. It's a great service and I'm a very happy customer.
Kelvin Black
From Dallas, USA
Support is amazing and the service works wonderfully! Special thanks to Anna who has been patient and understanding through this hour long process.
Zasha Swan
From Australia
Gabe is very helpful. He helps me to extend my subscription. He deserve a promotion!!!
Frank Jones
From Japan
The best VPN service i've ever used, affordable price and the quality is out of this world.
Jack Brownn
From London, UK
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